Aventuras de una negrita en busca de Dios /

Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950,

Aventuras de una negrita en busca de Dios / George Bernard Shaw ; traducción de Benito Gómez Ibáñez ; xilografías de John Farleigh. - Edición en formato digital. - 1 online resource : illustrations. - Serie Narrativa ; 45 . - Serie Narrativa (Galaxia Gutenberg (Firm)) ; 45 .

Translated from the English: The adventures of the black girl in search of God. London : Constable & company limited, 1932.

Shaw caught a ton of grief for this 1932 novel. The protagonist is an African native girl recently converted to Christianity. She goes in search of God, literally walking into the bush to seek her maker. Instead, she finds numerous religious figures and philosophers, ranging from Noah to Voltaire.

9788415863922 8415863926


Christian fiction.
Electronic books.

PR5364.S5 eBook




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