Caminos ocultos /

O'Dell, Tawni,

Caminos ocultos / Tawni O'Dell ; traducción del inglés de Clara Ministral. - Edición en formato digital. - 1 online resource. - Nuevos tiempos ; 222 . - Nuevos tiempos (Madrid, Spain) ; 222. .

A novel on a dysfunctional family in a Pennsylvania coal-mining town. The mother is in jail for killing the father and the four children are on their own. They are supported by the eldest, Harley Altmyer, 20, who is having an affair with the mother of a friend of his sister.

9788498419535 8498419530 9788498419542 8498419549

Teenage boys--Fiction.
Brothers and sisters--Fiction.
Dysfunctional families--Fiction.
Married women--Fiction.


Domestic fiction.
Humorous fiction.
Electronic books.

PS3565.D428 eBook




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