Cristianos /

Rolin, Jean,

Cristianos / Jean Rolin ; traducción de Fernando González. - 1 online resource. - Libros del Asteroide ; 87. .

This book is journalist Jean Rolin's highly personalized account of the lives of the Arab Christian population in Palestine. Set on the eve of the Iraq War, when Rolin visited Bethlehem, Ramallah and Jerusalem, this detailed portrayal reveals a people torn between their religious beliefs and their Arab patriotism, loathe to criticize their Muslim leaders and eager to blame their misfortune on the Israelis. Despite the importance of the community as guardians of the holy sites of Christianity, the Palestinian Christians suffer under a society governed by increasingly radicalized fundamentalist Islamic beliefs. As a consequence of the ongoing Middle East conflict, the Palestinian Christian rate of emigration is so high that they are now on the verge of extinction, despite their presence in Palestine for over 2,000 years. Abandoned by their leadership and the international community, Palestinian Christianity will soon die if a peaceful resolution cannot be found between Israel and Palestine.

9788415625124 841562512X

Religion and politics--Palestine.

Palestine--Church history.

Electronic books.

BR1110 ebook




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