El Séfer Méšec betí, de Eliézer Papo : ritos y costumbres sabáticas de los sefardíes de Bosnia /

Šmid, Katja,

El Séfer Méšec betí, de Eliézer Papo : ritos y costumbres sabáticas de los sefardíes de Bosnia / Méšec betí Sefer Mesheḳ beti Mesheḳ beti Katja Šmid. - 1 online resource. - Publicaciones de estudios sefardíes ; 14 . - Publicaciones de estudios sefardíes ; 14. .

Text of Rabbi Papo's work: pages [93]-215. This work includes 2 facsimiles, including a title page, of the original Sefer Mesec beti.

Includes bibliographical references

This book presents for the first time the complete text of Séfer Mésec betí, a work by Rabbi Eliezer Papo, that deals with the laws of Sabbath from the Sephardic/Bosnian perspective. Papo gives a lot of attention to Gentiles in relation to the Sabbath. This work was first published in Sarajevo (Bosnia) in 1871. Included in this work are an introduction, commentary, glossary and bibliography written by Katja Smid.

9788400095604 840009560X

723-12-135-0 nipo 723-12-134-5 nipo

Papo, Eliʻezer ben Shem Tov, -1898.
Papo, Eliʻezer ben Shem Tov, -1898. Mesheḳ beti.

Sabbath (Jewish law)
Prohibited work (Jewish law)
Shabbas goy.
Sephardim--Customs and practices.--Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ladino language--Transliteration.

Bosnia and Herzegovina--Ethnic relations.

Electronic books.

BM685.P353 eBook





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