Medical Negligence Bangladesh Perspective /

Hossini, Rafiqul Islam

Medical Negligence Bangladesh Perspective / [Recurso electrónico] : Rafiqul Islam Hossini , Servicio en línea - Daca: Scholars' Press, 2019 - 1 recurso electrónico

Medical negligence is directly connected to right to life and medical care which is a significant human rights issue in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh there are a number of incidences against which no legal actions are brought. Unaccountably of medical professionals leads to raise dissatisfaction of patients and general people in connection with health care sector in Bangladesh. There are some existing laws in Bangladesh that deal with the remedies for medical negligence incidences; but the remedies are not provided as expected as it should be. Due to loopholes in the existing legal provisions and due to poor management and litigation procedure for medical negligence; such instances are still occurring and are given impunity by not bringing any legal actions against medical professionals. It is a demand of time to check medical negligence instances and medical professional’s variation from standard of care; moreover, to take legal actions against such medical malpractices in Bangladesh.

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Derecho Público y Administrativo--Bangladesh



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