Intellectual Property Operations and Implementation in the 21st Century Corporation

Bryer, Lanning G.

Intellectual Property Operations and Implementation in the 21st Century Corporation [Recurso electrónico] / Lanning G. Bryer, Scott J. Lebson, Matthew D. Asbell , Servicio en línea - Hoboken: Wiley, 2011 - 1 recurso electrónico

A practical approach to corporate IP operations and implementation. Intellectual Property Operations and Implementation helps executives, attorneys, accountants, managers, and owners, understand the legal, technological, economic, and cultural changes that have affected corporate IP ownership and management. Page by page, it provides practical examples and advice from seasoned and enduring professionals who have adopted new and streamlined methods and practices whether as in-house or outside counsel, or service providers. Timely and relevant in view of the substantially global economic recession amidst rampant technological development and the resulting changes in law, practice, and culture. Examines the decision making processes, activities, and changes of significant corporate intellectual property owners in today's new economy. Important and timely, this book provides a global approach to corporate IP management.

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Propiedad Intelectual--Estados Unidos



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