American Constitutional History A Brief Introduction /

Fruchtman, Jack

American Constitutional History A Brief Introduction / [Recurso electrónico] : Jack Fruchtman , Servicio en línea - Hoboken: Wiley, 2016 - 1 recurso electrónico

American Constitutional History presents a concise introduction to the constitutional developments that have taken place over the past 225 years, treating trends from history, law, and political science. Presents readers with a brief and accessible introduction to more than two centuries of U.S. constitutional history Explores constitutional history chronologically, breaking U.S. history into five distinct periods Reveals the full sweep of constitutional changes through a focus on issues relating to economic developments, civil rights and civil liberties, and executive power Reflects the evolution of constitutional changes all the way up to the conclusion of the June 2015 Supreme Court term

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Derecho Constitucional--Estados Unidos



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