Constitutional Law

Monahan, Patrick J.

Constitutional Law [Recurso electrónico] / Patrick J. Monahan, Byron Shaw, Padraic Ryan - Quinta Edición , Servicio en línea - Toronto: Irwin Law Inc., 2017 - 1 recurso electrónico

The fifth edition of Constitutional Law represents a significant update of the fourth edition, published in 2013. During this period, the Supreme Court of Canada has continued to develop the jurisprudence in all areas of constitutional law, including freedom of association, equality rights, Indigenous title, and inter-jurisdictional immunity. This book includes the complete text of the Canadian Constitution, including explanatory footnotes as consolidated by the federal Department of Justice. Professor Monahan authored the first three editions of this text, and invited Mr. Byron Shaw to join him as a co-author for the fourth edition. Mr. Padraic Ryan has now joined in this most recent revision. As with earlier editions, the aim of this text is to provide lawyers, academics, and law students with a general introduction to, and overview of, the basic elements of the Canadian Constitution. The authors discuss issues in sufficient detail so that the book will be of value to lawyers who encounter constitutional issues in their daily practice. Constitutional Law has been cited with approval by provincial and territorial appellate courts, as well as by the Supreme Court of Canada.

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Derecho Constitucional--Canadá



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