Guidance document on wind energy developments and EU nature legislation

Guidance document on wind energy developments and EU nature legislation [Recurso electrónico] / , Servicio en línea - Bruselas: European Union Publications Office, 2021 - 1 recurso electrónico

This document provides an update of the 2011 Commission guidance on wind energy and Natura 2000, as planned in the action plan for nature, people and the economy. An update of the guidance was considered necessary as EU policy and legislation on renewable energy and wind energy technology (especially at sea) has developed greatly since the guidance was first issued. In step with these developments, knowledge on the impacts of wind energy on biodiversity as well as good practice for addressing these impacts has also expanded significantly. In view of further drastic expansion of wind energy in the context of tackling climate change on the one hand and growing pressures on biodiversity on the other hand, guidance based on most recent insights and good practices on reconciling the respective policy goals and targets is essential.

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