The Globalized Rule of Law Relationships between International and Domestic Law /

Fitzgerald, Oonagh E.

The Globalized Rule of Law Relationships between International and Domestic Law / [Recurso electrónico] : Oonagh E. Fitzgerald, Elisabeth Eid, Don Fleming, Anne Warner La Forest, Armand de Mestral, Lorraine Pelot , Servicio en línea - Toronto: Irwin Law Inc., 2006 - 1 recurso electrónico

From different angles and through a variety of lenses, the papers in this collection examine the relationships between international and domestic law and the treatment of international law by Canadian governments, parliamentarians, and the courts. The book aims to address the need for a clearer and broader understanding of how international law impacts on domestic law and policy, in order to be able to use law more effectively in international and domestic litigation, dispute settlement, policy development, and decision-making. This book encourages the reader to think deeply about how law is evolving in a globalizing world and to consider how Canada and Canadians can influence this evolution in positive ways.

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