Contribution to growth European digital single market: delivering improved rights to European citizens and businesses /

Hocepied, Christian

Contribution to growth European digital single market: delivering improved rights to European citizens and businesses / [Recurso electrónico] : Christian Hocepied, Alexandre de Streel , Servicio en línea - Bruselas: European Union Publications Office, 2020 - 1 recurso electrónico

This study reviews all the rules adopted during the 8th Parliamentary legislature (2014-2019) to strengthen the Digital Single Market. On that basis, the report analyses the rights and obligations as well as the institutions and procedures created or improved in the main policy fields of the Digital Single Market (e-commerce and online platforms, e-government, data and AI, cybersecurity, consumer protection and electronic communications networks and services). Finally, the report identifies remaining gaps and possible actions for the forthcoming Parliament’s legislature. This document has been prepared for the IMCO Committee at the request of the Policy Department A of the European Parliament.

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Telecomunicaciones--Unión Europea
Derecho Mercantil y de la Empresa--Unión Europea
Derecho Civil--Unión Europea



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