Canadian Telecommunications Law

Howell, Robert G.

Canadian Telecommunications Law [Recurso electrónico] / Robert G. Howell , Servicio en línea - Toronto: Irwin Law Inc., 2011 - 1 recurso electrónico

The area of telecommunications law historically meant the administration and regulation of telecommunications (telegraph and telephone) and broadcasting (radio, television, and cable) under the control of the CRTC and its predecessor agencies. Deregulation brought about immense changes, and since then the media themselves have changed and with them the regulatory focused subject area. Traditional media – telephone (wired and wireless), radio, television, cable, and DTH satellite communications – remain core components, even as they integrate and converge with other media in the milieu of digitization. Yet the nature and breadth of digitization has juxtaposed other areas of law and imbued them with substantial significance and relevance to telecommunications as a whole. This trend is reflected in this important new book by one of Canada’s leading specialists in the field.

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