La playa de los ahogados /

Villar, Domingo,

La playa de los ahogados / Domingo Villar. - Edición en formato digital. - 1 online resource. - Nuevos tiempos ; Policíaca 143. . - Nuevos tiempos (Madrid, Spain) ; 143. Nuevos tiempos (Madrid, Spain). Serie policiaca. .

One misty autumn dawn, in a quiet fishing port in northwest Spain, the body of a sailor washes up in the harbor. Detective Inspector Leo Caldas is called in from police headquarters in the nearby city of Vigo to sign off on what appears to be a suicide; but details soon come to light that turn this routine matter into a complex murder investigation. Finding out the truth is not easy when the villagers are so suspicious of outsiders. As Caldas delves into the maritime life of the village, he uncovers a disturbing decade-old case of a shipwreck and two mysterious disappearances. This chilling story of violence, blackmail, and revenge has enthralled readers across Europe.

9788498415421 849841542X 9788498416749 8498416744

Caldas, Leo (Ficitious character) --Fiction.

Police--Spain--Galicia (Region)--Fiction.
Sailors--Crimes against--Spain--Galicia (Region)--Fiction.

Detective and mystery fiction.
Electronic books.

PQ9469.3.V56 eBook




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