Donde mejor canta un pájaro /

Jodorowsky, Alejandro,

Donde mejor canta un pájaro / Alejandro Jodorowsky. - Edición en formato digital. - 1 online resource. - Libros del tiempo ; 145 . - Libros del tiempo (Madrid, Spain) ; 145. .

"Alejandro Jodorowsky tells the story of how his Ukrainian Jewish grandfather, his fiery wife, Teresa, and their four children moved to Chile under fake passports and assumed Christian identities, with only a half-kopek to their name and no idea how they'd forge their new lives. His book is a family saga filled with ancestors both mythical and real including bee-covered relatives, women who commune with wolves, snake charmers, and militant anarchists"--

9788416465354 8416465355 9788416465361 8416465363

Motion picture producers and directors--Fiction.
Theatrical producers and directors--Fiction.

Autobiographical fiction.
Electronic books.

PQ7298.2.O3 ebook




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