Arqueología de la construcción. V, Man-made materials, engineering and infrastructure : proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on the archaeology of Roman construction, Oxford, April 11-12, 2015 /

Arqueología de la construcción. V, Man-made materials, engineering and infrastructure : proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on the archaeology of Roman construction, Oxford, April 11-12, 2015 / Man-made materials, engineering and infrastructure Janet DeLaine, Stefano Camporeale, Antonio Pizzo (eds.). - 1 online resource : illustrations, maps. - Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología ; LXXVII . - Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología ; 77. .

Includes bibliographical references.

Introduction / J. DeLaine, S. Camporeale, A. Pizzo -- Technological confidence in Late republican and imperial era Roman architectural and maritime concrete construction / Marie D. Jackson -- L'uso delle polveri pozzolaniche nei grandi cantieri della Gallia Cisalpina durante l'età romana repubblicana: i casi di Aquileia e Ravenna / Jacopo Bonetto, Gilberto Artioli, Michele Secco, Anna Addis -- Lime mortar production in Ostia : material analysis of mortar from the Hadrianic period / Jennifer Wehby Murgatroyd -- The bronze truss of the portico of the Pantheon in Rome / Dorothee Heinzelmann, Michael Heinzelmann -- Armored columns in the Roman imperial period / Carla Maria Amici -- The social life of tile in the Roman world / Phill Mills -- Ceramic building material : production, supply and use in Roman London / Ian M. Betts -- Tegulae mammatae or lateres On the presence and use of tegulae mammatae in the delta of the Rhine / A. Guss Gazenbeek -- The end of the tegulae mammatae : a review on their name, function(ality) and presence in the Roman / North Tim Clerbaut -- Mud brick and pisé de terre between Punic and Roman / Ben Russell, Elizabeth Fentress -- L'industrie de la brique crue dans la colonia Lugdunum. Typologie, approvisionnement et organisation de la production Benjamin Clément -- Taking a bearing on Hero's anti-crane and its un-windlass : the relationship between Hero of Alexandria ́s mobile automaton and Greco-Roman construction machinery, artillery and water-lifting machines / Ducan Keenan-Jones, Ian Ruffell, Euan McGookin -- Lifting blocks, 1st-5th century AD: the inclined plane / Giangiacomo Martines, Matthias Bruno, Cinzia Conti -- The restoration of the columns of the templum Castoris during Verres' praetorship: the machina and organisation of the building site / Pauline Ducret -- Costruire in terreni paludosi: sistemi di fondazione e bonifica in uso in età romana in Italia settentrionale fra tradizione e innovazione / Caterina Previato -- Facing structural problems in ancient times : a structural assessment during the construction of the Mausoleum of Hadrian / Paolo Vitti -- Les techniques et les étapes de la construction des salles de soutènement desthermes de Longeas (Chassenon, France) / Arnaud Coutelas, David Hourcade -- Tracce di cantiere dall ́area del Capitolium di Brescia : evidenze archeologiche e materiali dai recenti scavi / Antonio Dell'Acqua -- The Lower Agora of Pergamon : the organisation of a major building site in Roman Asia Minor / Burkhard Emme, Arzu Öztürk -- Quantifying monumentality in a time of crisis : building materials, labour force and building costs in Late Republican central Italy Dominik Maschek -- Networks and workshops : construction of temples at the dawn of the Roman Republic Patricia S. Lulof -- Conclusions / Lynne C. Lancaster.

Contributions in English, French, Italian and Spanish, with abstracts in English, Spanish and in the language of origin.

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Architecture, Roman--Congresses.

Electronic books.

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