
Flores Kastanis, Paula.

English / Paula Flores Kastanis. - México : Patria Cultural , 2004. - 195 páginas.

Unit I: Greetings and introductions
Greetings and introductions
Informal and formal greetings
Introducing yourself and introducing a third party
Personal information
You and other people
Who are you? Who are they?
Unit I: evaluation
Expand your knowledge

Unit 2: Family and friends
Family memebers
Family memebers: physical characteristics and personality
Family and friends: professions and occupations
Family and friends: abilities
Unit 2: evaluation

Unit 3: Routines likes and dislikes
Routines and daily activities
What do you during the week? How often do you do these activities?
Likes and dislikes
Let's go shopping
Unit 3: Evaluation

Unit 4: What's taking place at the moment you
Activities that are done at the moment of speaking
Existence and location of objects found at home and in the neighborhood
The weather
Unit 4: Evaluation



PE1137 / F67




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