English as gloCalization phenomenon : observations from a linguistic microcosm /

English as gloCalization phenomenon : observations from a linguistic microcosm / edited by Carmen Pérez-Llantada, Gibson R. Ferguson - Edición digital. - 1 online resource (279 pages) : illustrations. - English in the world series ; 3 . - English in the world series ; 3. .

Includes bibliographical references.

Preface / John M. Swales -- Editor's introduction / Carmen Pérez-Llantada and Gibson R. Ferguson -- The complex dyamics of faculty-student relations in dialogic academic speech events: the research group meeting / Claus-Peter Neumann -- The gender of power relations in academic speech: a cross-disciplinary approach / Ma Teresa Escudero Alías -- Signaling speaker?s intentions: towards a phraseology of textual metadiscourse in academic lecturing / Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría -- Academic literacy vs academic talk: signaling nouns as devices of intratranslation / Rosa Lorés Sanz -- Developing the message: retake phenomena in scientific lectures / Silvia Murillo Ornat -- A corpus-based approach to nominalization in academic lectures / Ignacio Vázquez Orta -- The use of ideational grammatical metaphor in academic spoken / English. Ignacio Guillén Galve -- Vagueness and imprecise numbers in the hard disciplines of the Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English / Ramón Plo Alastrué -- "I think I know what you are saying". Epistemic lexical verbs as stance markers in American academic speech / María Rosario Artiga León -- "What we mean is actually how we mean". A contribution to the analysis of sociopragmatic aspects of MICASE discussion sections / Irene Aixalá Gil -- How to arrange MICASE-based pedagogical materials for the teaching/learning of EAP vocabulary / Luz Gabás Ariño.

9788437086620 8437086620

English language--Research.

Electronic books.

PE1074.5 eBook




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